Comparing and contrasting tortoises and turtles

Turtles and tortoises look similar  but  they  are both two very different animals. Turtles live in water but tortoises live on land. Turtles and  tortoises are basically like each other because they both have shells for protection and they both eat vegetables. Turtles’ shells are not heavy because they have to be able to swim  easily but on the other hand tortoises shells are very heavy. Tortoises can  live up from 50 to 150 years while turtles only live up from 20 to 30 years.  Both of these reptiles lay their eggs on land.


Our Wearable Waste Fashion Show


On Tuesday morning, Room 6 had a collaboration with Room 7. We had to make a costume out of scrap. We used cardboard, a kfc bucket, fabric, plastic, rubbish bags and paint. I started with cardboard, paper and a rubbish bag. I was trying to make a Tongan warrior costume. I used cardboard for my body and sword. I used the rubbish bag and the paper for my pants. I was super close to finishing it when it was Wednesday.

When it was Wednesday I had finished for Thursday, on Thursday I had made a sword that was green and red and I also made a chest plate. I finally looked like a real warrior. When everyone was finished with their costumes then all of us had been split into categories like animals first, warriors second and for the last one, fantasy.

When we had all changed we went to Room 7. I was so nervous because the whole school came to watch us but when I went through the room I was so scared but then I felt nothing because they were screaming and I was happy. At the end we all went on the stage then they all went back to our rooms. I was so happy it was over but at the end of the day we all had a picture then we went back home. We had a great week.      



Littering devastates our oceans 



 Why should you stop leaving your rubbish everywhere? You should stop leaving your rubbish everywhere because innocent animals keep eating the rubbish and then slowly die. They can also get stuck in the plastic like netting and drown. Is this something we are proud of? We need to do something NOW!

When you leave your rubbish somewhere, the wind will blow the rubbish into the drain and finally into the sea. Then a dolphin or seagull could get really sick and be in pain or even die. Plastic is NOT food so don’t just throw it on the ground. THINK!

I once saw a sea turtle stuck in a plastic drink holder. This must have happened when he was little and then when he grew he looked like a balloon with rubber bands around the middle. This is sad and should not happen because he probably can’t eat properly or go into his shell. Imagine if you were responsible for this. How would you feel?

Why is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch a threat to our environment? The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the largest garbage deposit in the whole wide world. There is a vortex that keeps dragging it down and around. It hasn’t got smaller, only bigger over time. When a plastic bag is floating in the water some sea animals might think it is a squid and they might eat it, and then they starve to death as it fills their tummy but not with food. Some companies have tried to shrink the Patch but it just keeps growing. We have to stop littering and only that will reduce the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Come on world, let’s work together to make this a better place for us and the creatures of the seas.

Our Salling Day

Last Thursday, Room 6 and 7 walked to Panmure Basin for sailing. It was so sunny and a little windy when we got there. Room 6 had to do some land activities. Room 7 was in the water on tiny boats when we were learning about knots and pulleys.


We were going to learn about pulleys first. Did you know that  people say that if you use a pulley it would be easier to pull a heavy thing? So we tested it. We got a bag of sand and we all held the bag of sand and it was heavy. Then we tried carrying it with a pulley. We all tried pulling it and  we all said it was so easy with the pulleys. When we were finished learning about pulleys we learned about knots. We all tied a reef knot and it was super easy. After Room 7 was finished sailing, then Room 6 had our turn to sail.


When we all got in the boats there could only be 2 people in one boat. We had 11 people so Spencer had to go on the speedboat. I was with Paula and we were doing super good. Then Steph threw some rubber ducks so we could get them and Spencer had Frank the rubber duck. Then Steph came and switched Paula and Spencer. Then Steph said that we could flip the boat and jump off. Spencer and I flipped the boat and we fell out of it. It was so funny and fun. When we got back on the boat we could see Angelina and Tahlia both fell out of the boat and could not get back in the boat. So I went to help them. I had to stay on the boat for a little because Spencer went in the speedboat. I was having so much fun.


Then when we were finished I was freezing cold so I got my towel and changed. Then we walked back to school. Paula, Jaeden and I were never tired. When we came back to school Mrs Agnew was reading us a story and I almost fell asleep but I didn’t. Then it was the end of the day so we all prayed at the end of the wonderful day and we all went home.    


I had a super fun day. I really wish I could go sailing again next year.